How to Plan the Perfect Friends' Getaway


Let’s be honest, that friends’ getaway is long overdue!

Between general life schedules and a global pandemic, chances are, it’s been a while since you’ve spent genuine, uninterrupted time with your besties. That weekend getaway with your friends has been pushed off for far too long, and I can’t think of a better way to dive back in to travel than with your posse in tow! With many of my friends scattered around the United States, I haven’t seen most of them in almost a year. A weekend away is the perfect way to catch up while exploring a new location together.

What to know when planning a trip with the your krewe:

1. What is everyone looking to get out of the trip?

Are you looking to recharge on a relaxing, easy-going trip with your closest friends? Or are you leaping at the chance to explore a new place with a packed daily itinerary? Are your friends mountain people or beach people? City or countryside? It’s important to get an understanding of what each of your friends wants to get out of a vacation. If your friends are anything like mine, it will probably mean compromising to find something that everyone loves. It’s important to get an understanding of what everyone wants out of a vacation. Come to an agreement before you get on a plane about how many activities you want to schedule a day, if the goal is to be device free and in the moment, and most importantly... what a realistic budget is for every single person going.

2. Talk about budget

Talk about budgets and then talk about them again, and then again, and one more time via email so that it can be referenced in the future. It may be uncomfortable, but it’s very important to set and stick to a budget based on what everyone in the group can afford. You don’t want to unintentionally leave a friend out or make the trip create more stress than it will relieve. This will also help figure out that big question of where. If everyone has a large budget, maybe a jaunt to the Caribbean is the best bet, but if you need to save money on airfare, try somewhere closer like Miami or Santa Fe.

3. Think about accommodations outside of hotels

I'm working on group trip proposals right now, and we're looking at villas and private estates exclusively. The key (+ why it's so important to work with a travel advisor for home rentals) is to find a vetted, professional managed property that has the perks of a house (a communal hang out space), but the amenities of a hotel (chef, housekeeping, and bartender to name a few). For small groups, renting adjoining hotel rooms might be fine, but for larger groups, I love renting out a house, condo, cabin – you name it! The larger space not only gives you lots of different bedroom configurations, but you also get a nice communal area and a kitchen so you can cook together and have some fun late-night snacks.

Still not sure where to start?

Using a travel advisor for any group trip is a great way to ensure that everyone (including yourself!) gets to have a fun, relaxing vacation. If you’re ready to start planning this summer’s trip with your friends, start planning here!

Amina Dearmon