Where you should travel this Fall


With Christmas commercials creeping into October, if we don’t start planning a getaway, how will we stay sane?! I’m sharing some favorite places to visit in the fall and even if you only have a day, you can still get away!


Day Trip

We all have that one place that we’ve been meaning to visit and just haven’t yet. And a free Saturday or Sunday is the perfect time to make it happen. I wish I could give you all a list of places to visit that will be near where you live, and while I’m good at my job, I’m not that good! But I can give you my best advice for a day trip, more specifically, the tips and tricks that I share with clients.

  1. Find somewhere that’s only an hour or two away at most (you don’t want to be in the car all day).

  2. Plan one or two things that you want to do that day and leave plenty of time for sightseeing.

  3. Remember, you can always come back since it’s so close! 


Long Weekend

A long weekend away is the perfect time to visit a destination like Napa, Sonoma, or Petaluma. You can see the beautiful changing leaves, while going on tours of wineries - and the weather is absolutely gorgeous! There is a property for every type of traveler in wine country, so think about if you want cozy and quaint or sprawling and lively. A long weekend is a perfect chance to get out into nature and kick back with some great wine. Make sure that you:

  1. Think about what type of wine you truly enjoy. That will help us narrow down the best wineries for you to visit.

  2. Don’t forget that there’s a lot to see and do outdoors. From hot air balloon rides to picnics and hiking, you can easily balance the time spent inside wine tasting with lots of fresh air.

  3. Book your driver in advance! This is one of the first components that I book for clients, because you obviously do not want to be wine tasting and have to drive.


Week Away

If you’re looking for a bigger splurge, the fall is a great time to travel, as it’s the shoulder season in many popular destinations. Depending on current travel restrictions, Europe is a great place to travel in October and November. If you’re not quite ready to let go of summer, you could go for someplace a little warmer, like Maui or Aruba. A white sand beach might be just the pick up you need in the midst of Autumn! And don’t forget:

  1. Hurricane season runs until the end of November, so it’s important to consider storms if you’re headed to a tropical destination.

  2. If you’re coming from the southern U.S. states, the weather in Europe may be a bit chiller than your weather at home. Pack accordingly and bring layers!

  3. If you have flexibility and can fly during the week (think Tuesday vs Friday), not only will your flights be less crowded, but you can also get settled in to your hotel before the weekend crowd arrives.

Busy and want some help planning your fall getaway? Send me an email!

If your Fall schedule is already stressing you out and you don’t want to add “planning a trip” to your ever-growing to-do list, reach out. I love helping clients planning beautiful trips, no matter how big or small.