Miami is one of those cities that once you visit, you are constantly pulled to return. I’ve spent more time vacationing in Miami than any other U.S. state and the reason why is because even though you’re still in America, the vibes feel like you're on an international getaway.

And there is always something going on in the City. From Art Basel to Miami Film Festival, even if you don’t go for the beaches, you’ll find plenty to occupy your time.

I’m sharing just a few of my recommendations for how you can spend a day in Miami!

Stay: I spent my 20's hanging out in South Beach, so now that I'm adulting I decided it's time to elevate my hotel choices, and a 44 acre Key seemed like the best bet. The @mo_miami sits on Brickell Key, which is perfectly situated to get you to South Beach, Wynwood, and Downtown. With 4 dining options, a 15,000 square foot spa, and major sustainability efforts, Mandarin Oriental is the perfect place to lay your head after a day of beach going or exploring.

Eat: No trip to Miami is complete without a visit to @joesstonecrab, but it also wouldn't be complete with sampling some of the cuisines that the city is known for. @sugarcanerawbargrill and @reydelasfritas are both good options. For sips a trip to @lostboydrygoods and @kaidomiamiare a must.

Play: Street art in Wynwood should be at the top of your list but don't miss the chance to spend time in nature at @fairchildgarden. Then head over to Little Havana or take a self-guided tour of all of the Art Deco buildings in the city.

Reach out when you’re ready for your next Miami stay! I’m here to VIP your hotel and make sure that you have the perfect itinerary for the Magic City!